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(1) Here we have all of our hālau participants that went to the Maikaʻi Nō Esaka Mele Hawaiʻi Festival to hula yesterday.  (2) A few highlighted clips of the mele that we chose to present. 

(1) 昨日、マイカイ・ノー・エサカ・メレ・ハワイ・フェスティバルにフラに参加したハラウ参加者の皆さんです。  (2) 私たちが提示することにしたメレのハイライトされたクリップをいくつか。

(3) Our dancers traveled to Tokyo to support Kuʻulei Sensei at her event. The dancers shared the stage with my beloved hula brother, Jonathan "Kimo" Lopez. (4) Pua Māmane is an old classic Auntie Lena Machado song everyone should dance to. Itʻs beautiful! 

(3) 私たちのダンサーはクーレイ先生のイベントを応援するために東京へ行きました。ダンサーたちは私の最愛のフラ兄弟、ジョナサン「キモ」ロペスとステージを共有しました。 (4) Pua Māmane は、誰もが踊るべき古い古典的なレナ マチャドおばさんの歌です。それは美しいです!

We are forever grateful for the opportunity to come together and engage in hula every week. The joy of learning the storyline for each mele or song enables us to connect and express the dances we love. 


Here is a little compilation of hula clips. Our dancers enjoyed themselves at the Prince Lot Hula Festival in Honolulu. We had live music from Māhiehie! Another fun hula here and there... Enjoy! 



Yesterday, we had a hula workshop in Tokyo sponsored by Nohona_Hula. It was a nice change to be in Tokyo again. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. I was happy to share with them about things and places from home. Mahalo for the opportunity.



These are the other three movie clips from yesterday's event at the Maikaʻi Nō Esaka Mele Hawaiʻi Festival. Let the story be told in the hula that we perform. ʻO kēia nā kiʻiʻoniʻoni ʻekolu ʻē aʻe o ka hanana i nehinei ma ka ʻaha Mele Hawaiʻi No Esaka No Maikaʻi. E haʻi ʻia ka moʻolelo ma ka hula a mākou e hana nei.

これらは、昨日のマイカイ・ノー・エサカ・メレ・ハワイ・フェスティバルでのイベントの他の 3 つのクリップです。私たちが演じるフラで物語を語ってみましょう。

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